Uganda Tourism Board’s Digital Recovery Campaign


Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) has launched a domestic Digital campaign dubbed ‘Take On The Pearl’ aimed at mitigating the negative effects caused by Covid-19 Pandemic on the Tourism Sector.

The 8-week long campaign is aimed at jump-starting the country’s tourism by creating awareness and educating Ugandans on the various tourist spots around the country; with emphasis on What? When? How? Who? And Where to Travel, with focus on the domestic market, in addition to putting a spotlight on some of the country’s prized tourist attractions.

Uganda Tourism Board CEO, Lilly Ajarova said “The pandemic has created an opportunity for us to look inwards and therefore travel our country. It is a delight to launch this domestic tourism campaign today as part of the efforts by the board to not only encourage domestic travel but also close the seasonality gap that has been created,”

The President of the Uganda Tourism Association, Pearl Horreau Kakooza noted on the readiness of the tourism private sector to receive and serve Ugandans as they experience the country.“Our fully trained Safari guides are available to show hidden gems of our beautiful Uganda. The hotels are now offering discounted accommodation; the tour operators are keen to advise Ugandans on where to visit as we start on the journey to “Take on The Pearl”, she said.

In her concluding remarks, she said, “I can confidently say that as tourism professionals, we await to receive Ugandans “Take on the Pearl” to help you understand why Uganda is “The Pearl of Africa.”

According to a UNWTO panel Experts from around the world, domestic tourism will recover faster than international demand and will be a key driver for tourism recovery across destinations.

Additionally, the panel points to a start of the recovery of international demand mostly in 2021. UNWTO notes that considerable challenges remain ahead, starting with the unknown duration of the pandemic and travel restrictions, in a context of global economic recession.

The Challenge

  • Post the contest photo on Visit Uganda social media pages every Friday.
  • Get people to respond with the name of the place and the reasons why they want to go to that place, for a chance to win the trip.
  • People get their friends and family to come and like their comments.
  • Correct comment with highest likes by Tuesday of the following week is selected the week’s winner.

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